A podcast for Aussie teachers wanting to share ideas, experiences and stories from the classroom.
Latest Episodes
In this episode we listen to a variety of guests of varying ages, who share with us something they wish to thank their teacher for, or for something positive that they remember about their teacher. This is a heart-warming episode that makes you proud to be a teacher!!
#053 - Happy Birthday TICK!! What a great milestone, considering TICK is very lucky to have seen the light of day! In this much shorter episode, I am being interviewed about the memories I have and the things I have learnt over the last 12 months.
In this episode we talk about how the Happy School program came about and how we can build high staff morale within our school.
In this episode I share with you 20 time saving ideas that I have used, seen and discovered. I got very excited researching what other teachers have done and wanted to share some of these with you as I'm all for making our job that little bit easier!
In this episode we meet Cathy Banks, senior counsellor at National Association of Loss and Grief (NALAG) in Dubbo, NSW. She shares with us her knowledge, experience, strategies and resources, for teachers (or anyone really) to use in their classrooms.
Meet Reg and Lily who share with us their journey of changing how they assess their students. The most profound thing they have done is removed summative assessment tasks. This has created more engaged learners, due to students not just studying or learning for a particular task, but learning and improving on everything they are being taught!
In this episode I talk with Kylie who works at an IB school in Wagga Wagga, NSW. She shares with us her passion for education and how her own pedagogical practices align so well within the IB programs.
In this episode we meet Karen, a Gamilaraay woman, who is a trained primary school teacher and currently works as the Aboriginal Education Worker in a local high school. She is a wearer of many hats and absolutely loves her job helping Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.
In this episode we meet Liz who is a teacher's aide, and who gives us an interesting insight into what it means to have this very special job!
In this episode we meet Marty, originally from Scotland, who came to Australia as a Science university lecturer then moved on to the independent school, Skillset Senior College in Bathurst, NSW. This school is an alternative to those kids who may not 'fit in' with mainstream high schools, for whatever reason. Marty and his team are doing a great job with these kids, particularly with his research project on mental health, ensuring they have an opportunity to finish their schooling and in some cases go on to further education.